Sunday, June 29, 2008

Jesus Grows Up

Does anyone know anything about what happens between Matt 3:12 and 13?

If he begins his ministry at age 30, then why aren't we told about the previous years? I know Luke says something, but very little. I suppose it doesn't truly matter, but I'd like to know more about my saviour!


Annie B. said...

Great question, friend Melissa and I were just talking about this last week. Alot of her old friends have questions about Christianity, and this is one of them. One friend thought that Jesus went and hung out with Buddha for a couple decades before his public ministry. That is actually a really popular belief...anyone know how to refute that one?

Kevin said...

I would say that the omission of the details of Jesus early life point to the fact that his life was likely relatively normal - at least, as perceived from outside his immediate family. Mary & Joseph were sure to wonder about their child's future and most certainly had to figure out how to relate to him on many levels - I wonder how that all played out.

As far as refuting the Buddha story - internal and external historical evidence point exactly to the time frame in which Jesus lived, which was roughly 200 years after that of Buddha.

BobbyO said...

forgive my lack of knowledge, but does the bible say anything about carpentry, or is it a myth?

im to lazy to look..

Kevin said...

Mark 6:3 Jesus is called "the carpenter's son". Of course, you'll know that vocation was something typically passed down from father to son, hence Jesus likely worked as a carpenter until he entered his public ministry. Seeing there is no mention of his father at this time, he was likely supporting his mother as the head of the household.