Monday, May 5, 2008

Long Time, No Blog

Here are a few things I thought about blogging, but decided not to (for obvious reasons):

If pro-life people contend life begins at conception or shortly thereafter, then wouldn't we all be about 9 months older? Shouldn't I be 20 years old? I think you could argue against this and probably win, but it's fun to play with.

A few nights back, before I went to bed, I decided to scratch my head. I mean really scratch. I scratched all around, really getting that blow flow to my brain. It felt so good, I wanted to tell the whole world to do it. Maybe it would produce some really neat dreams, or at the very least, help you sleep better. Good thing I did not tell anyone to try it. I stayed up 2 hours, turning in my bed, trying to sleep. I thought about everything some one could possibly think about before I was finally able to drift off... and the dreams weren't even that great (I know this because I can't remember them)! So, my advice; Don't scratch your head before bed!

NOW, let me tell you about a project I've been working on. It's called [TheWhiteGuitarSessions] and it's really humbling and fun and creative. Basically, There is this guitar. It is white. It is a cheap, ugly, broken guitar. The bridge is made of toothpicks. The end pins are for another guitar, as well as the tuning pegs. Not to mention, the whole thing is painted with white primer, even the fret board. It only has five strings (The high E is missing) and it has numerous dead spots and an annoying fret buzz.


It actually sounds pretty nice. It is tuned 3 steps lower than your regular tuning, thus creating a really cool resonate vibe that is smooth, yet coarse enough to rip through accompanying instruments. [TheWhiteGuitarSessions] is this: an attempt to record some of my catchy master pieces that only come while I'm in the flow. I have a mic and a sound hole pickup that I record with. It is all one take, made up on the fly, and everything is recorded including ringing phones, fret buzzes, all (and there are many) of my voice cracks and way way way off note vocal screw-ups. I have already recorded 2, which can be listened to here, at my Myspace. It's humbling for me to put them online for anyone to hear, because of all the mess ups, but that's the point.

What I want to be able to accomplish with this project is taking all of the thoughts I have trapped in my head and just release them into this monstrosity of noise, be it about my not wanting to be a Christian, my jealousy, or my complete happiness in where I'm at in life. I want something beautiful to come from something ugly. With all of it's seemingly uselessness, I want this guitar to be the medium of truth in my life. Bringing everything back to basics. So I hope it all works out. It's been alright so far.

I'll stop writing now, I got a text message I should read and I've already said enough.


Kevin said...


Love the tunes on MySpace. I think you've achieved what you set out to do with the sound - very raw, but very real. This is the kind of music I love - all the polish of modern music takes away authenticity and the creativeness of the moment. Keep writing, dude; I'm inspired to go pick up my guitar and play a couple of crazy tunes. ~Kevin

Jonathan P. Burke said...

Bobby... I can't begin to tell you what an impact these songs have had on me... your efforts were not in vain! i truly consider this your best work yet.