Friday, April 11, 2008

An Addition my Previous Post

Jenna Q puts Christmas in a great perspective:

"December 25th is traditionally the day we commemorate the birth of Jesus, which, in and of itself, is a small part of the story. I mean, it was just one day in his life too. And kind of a cold, unglamorous one, I should think. He didn't heal people and teach that day; He didn't die on the cross; He didn't rise from the dead. He was just born like a baby. And we celebrate that little event like all the virtues of love and peace and joy are wrapped up in it. That’s because the salvation that had always been in God’s heart dawned that day, in our world. It was always coming. But when Christ was born, the plan that was in motion became visible. We could see; and know that God was faithful. And rejoice."

You can read her blog here if you want.

And im not really sure why im talking about Christmas so early in the year.

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