Sunday, February 3, 2008

Good weekend. Long Weekend.

Friday night was a songwriting convention, inspired by Bob Dylan and such, initiated by Josh B. Good times.

Saturday was poker night at Ben's (See Fig.1 below). It's only a 5 dollar buy-in and alot of fun. Cheaper than a movie too. We made eachother turn OFF the cell phones, and in case that wasn't enough, put them in the other room. 7 dudes and a mini-fridge full of DP, creamsoda, and root brewskis. Ben came out on top ($35), but at least I stayed in longer than Keilan and Phillip. It was only my second time playing.

Sunday was phenom. DC Washington blew my mind. And due to the amounting sermons lately, I think I might sell all I have and just go. Seriously.

I also made a purchase this weekend. Here's a tip... It's a djembe. (See fig.2 below) I want to build my arsenal of instruments to take with me when I go to college.



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